Monday, 24 December 2012

 Click Here to Download

Image overlay means give text caption to image. Using Image overlay we can provide more details regarding image on mouse hover of image. This overlay is common in modern websites. We are using JQuery Image Overlay Plugin. This is a javascript file which you found online as well as we place this javascript in our example so you can download that from our given example.

There are many options and advance settings provided by Overlay Plugin javascript "jquery.ImageOverlay.js". You can set without any options for simple purpose. There are options like border color, overlay origin, overlay color, and overlay text color, overlay speed, overlay speed out etc.

By setting this option you made you custom overlay, like border cover , text color , different In and Out overlay animation etc..
You can also use JQuery MetaData Plugin "jquery.metadata.js" to display meta data information in overlay.

Here is example for this.
In this example we take several images to display various uses of Image overlay with Asp.Net.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

You can bind list of strings to gird view and display very uniform manner in a very easy way. List may be a generic list of strings. Generic List class is available in "System.Collections.Generic" namespace. We are using "DataSource" property of Grid view to set data source and "DataBind" method to bind data.

Here is example for this.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

There are many situations where you want to list of stored procedures from your database and it's useful details like , SP created date , modify date etc.. using sql query.
There is simple way to get these information using sql query.
We are using "sys.procedures" system table to get list and details.
Here is the sql script.

Friday, 7 December 2012

There are many situations where you want to list of tables and it's useful details like , table created date , modify date etc.. using sql query. There is simple way to get these informations using sql query.
We are using "sys.tables" system table to get list and details.
Here is the sql script.

SQL Query :
select * from sys.tables

Output : 

(To view original image , click on image)

This is the very useful SQL Server Scripts.

Note : Give Us your valuable feedback in comments. Give your suggestions in this article so we can update our articles accordingly that.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Click to Download C# Example
Click to Download VB.NET Example

By Implementing IHttpModule interface we can plug classes into the request-processing pipeline. HTTP Module class do this by hooking into a application events as it processes the HTTP request.
To create an HttpModule, we simply create a class that implement the System.Web.IHttpModule interface.This interface requires you to implement Init and Dispose methods.

The Init method is the basic primary method. In this method we implement HttpModule functionality. You can register different events in to the Init method. Init method has a single parameter it's an object of HttpApplication class and it's name is "context".

To use this module, we must include the module in the request processing pipeline so that ASP.NET know that. We can do this to modify the web.config file.
For that you have to add an <httpModules> section to your web.config file.

Here is the generic format :
The generic format of the <httpModules> section is
        <add name="[modulename]" type="[namespace.classname, assemblyname]" />

If you want to deploy your application to an IIS 7 server, you must also add the module configuration to the
<system.webServer> configuration section.

    <add name="[modulename]" type="[namespace.classname, assemblyname]" />

If we create our HttpModule in the App_Code directory of an ASP.NET Web site. For that we use the text “App_Code” as the assembly name, which tells ASP.NET that  module is located in the dynamically created assembly.

If we create HttpModules as a separate class library, in this case we use the assembly name of the library.

Here is example for this.