Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Click Here to Download InsertTextInTextBox.zip

Note : If any runtime error occurred by running our downloaded project meaning of that your browser version and Selenium API DLL version is not matching. To resolve this issue you need to download latest Selenium C# API DLLs from this link and paste downloaded DLLs into 'Bin' folder of downloaded project. Or you can remove references of existing DLLs references and add new DLLs references. You can learn this thing from this link.

Using selenium C# webdriver API we are able to insert text in website textbox element automatically in web browser. This article is very useful for automate website testing.

To enter text in textbox we need locator string of that particular textbox. To get locator string you need to your FireFox Element Locator Add-on.

Here is example for insert text in textbox automatically:
In this example first we open website 'www.google.com'. After that, we locate search textbox using locator add-on. Now in C# code we create object of FireFoxDriver Class.

We are using 'FindElement' method of 'FireFoxDriver' Class object, in this object we are finding element using 'XPath'. We are using 'OpenQA.Selenium.By.XPath' method. After finding element we are using 'SendKeys' method to insert text in textbox.

In 'SendKeys' method's parameter pass your desire text or string. This method exist in 'OpenQA.Selenium.IWebDriver.ISearchContext.FindElement' class.

Selenium C# Code :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Selenium;
using OpenQA;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        OpenQA.Selenium.IWebDriver objFF = new OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver();
        objFF.Url = "http://www.google.com";

[Image : Open 'www.google.com' and enter text] :
Selenium C# : Insert text in website textbox with selenium C# webdirver
(To view original size image , click on image)

Prerequiest to learn this article :

You need to learn these previous articles before learning this article.

Selenium Tool : Configure selenium tool for asp.net C# website or project in Visual Studio.
Selenium Tool : Download and Install WebDriver Element Locator Add-on.

Full Video : 

Monday, 22 September 2014

There are various way to local element on web browser. We can use located element in selenium script to do automate things.
There are various locator types :
  • C# Locator
  • Java Locator
  • XPath Locator
  • Ruby Locator

We can Locate element by various way like by ID, Type, Name, CSS Class, etc..

Here are examples of locator strings which are useful in C# code to get value or perform any action on that element :

  • driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@id='gbqfq']"));
  • driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@name='q']"));
  • driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@role='combobox']"));
  • driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[contains(@id,'gbqfq')]"));

Now to locate an element first you need to download and install FireFox Element Locator Add-on.

Selenium Tool : Download and Install FireFox Element Locator Add-on.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Click Here to Download OpenWebsiteInBrowserUsingSeleniumWebDriver.zip

Note : If any runtime error occurred by running our downloaded project meaning of that your browser version and Selenium API DLL version is not matching. To resolve this issue you need to download latest Selenium C# API DLLs from this link and paste downloaded DLLs into 'Bin' folder of downloaded project. Or you can remove references of existing DLLs references and add new DLLs references. You can learn this thing from this link.

You can easily open any URL in browser automatically with selenium C# WebDriver. This is first and basic step of any WebSite testing and make to do automate WebSite running.

For this we are using 'Navigate' method and 'URL' property of WebDriver Browser class object.

Here you are learning open WebSite or URL with selenium C# WebDriver.

First, you need to create object of any browser in which you need to open WebSite or URL. You can create object of FireFox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.

After creating object, you need call 'Navigate' method and then set WebSite URL which you need to open into 'URL' property.

Here is example for this.
In this example we are opening 'http://www.google.com' WebSite in FireFox web browser using selenium C# WebDriver.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Click Here to OpenChromeBrowserUsingSeleniumWebDriverTool.zip

Note : If any runtime error occurred by running our downloaded project meaning of that your browser version and Selenium API DLL version is not matching. To resolve this issue you need to download latest Selenium C# API DLLs from this link and paste downloaded DLLs into 'Bin' folder of downloaded project. Or you can remove references of existing DLLs references and add new DLLs references. You can learn this thing from this link.

We can also open Chrome Browser programmatically using selenium C# 'WebDriver' API with ASP.Net C#.

In previous article we learned How to Open Internet Explorer and Firefox Browser using selenium 'WebDriver'.

For opening or launching Chrome is different from Open 'FF'. In that we need one extra EXE file named 'chromedriver.exe' file.

If you Do not have 'chromedriver.exe' file file at that time Code gives us an error like :
An exception of type 'OpenQA.Selenium.DriverServiceNotFoundException' occurred in WebDriver.dll but was not handled in user code.

Additional information: The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable. The driver can be downloaded at http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html.

Here are steps to learn How to Open Chrome Browser.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Click Here to Download OpenInternetExplorerWithSeleniumWebDriverTool.zip

Note : If any runtime error occurred by running our downloaded project meaning of that your browser version and Selenium API DLL version is not matching. To resolve this issue you need to download latest Selenium C# API DLLs from this link and paste downloaded DLLs into 'Bin' folder of downloaded project. Or you can remove references of existing DLLs references and add new DLLs references. You can learn this thing from this link.

We can also open Internet Explorer Browser programmatically using selenium 'WebDriver' API with ASP.Net C#.

In previous article we learned How to Open Firefox Browser using selenium 'WebDriver'.

For opening or launching Internet Explorer (IE) is different from Open FireFox. In that we need one extra EXE file named 'IEDriverServer.exe' file and also set 'IE' Options object to give Startup URL.

If you Do not have 'IEDriverServer.exe' file file at that time Code gives us an error like :
The IEDriverServer.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable.

But basically it is very simple.

Here are steps to learn How to Open IE Browser :

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

We can open FireFox Browser programmatically using selenium webdriver API with ASP.Net C#. Here you can Learn how to open Firefox browser using selenium webdriver with ASP.Net C#

STEP 1 : First you need to create empty 'Website' or in existing 'Website' or project you need to add selenium 'WebDriver' API DLL references.
You can visit this link to create new 'Website' and add selenium 'WebDriver'API DLL references.

Selenium Tool : Download selenium Webdriver for ASP.NET C#.
Selenium Tool : Configure selenium tool for asp.net C# website or project in Visual Studio.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Element Locator Add-on is available in FireFox Browser as Add-on or extension. You can install it in FireFox browser.

Element Locator Add-on is very useful to find or locate appropriate web element or control like, text box, button, image, input box, etc. in browser. It will return location string of that particular control. This string is helpful in selenium automation process.

When you right click on particular control or element in Firefox browser, it will populate context menu with very useful XPATH for 'WebDriver' which is very useful in 'findElement' method of selenium 'WebDirver' API.

Here are steps to download and install 'WebDriver' element locator.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

It is very easy to configure selenium tool for asp.net website or project.

We can configure selenium tool and it's DLL into Visual Studio by creating new 'website' or 'project' or in Existing 'website' or 'project'.

In previous article you can see the article of how to download selenium webdriver tool.

Here are some steps to configure selenium webdriver tool :

STEP 1 : Open Visual Studio like VS2010, VS2012 or VS2013
STEP 2 : Go to File menu and click on 'New Web Stite' Menu, Now it will open dialog box in that dialog box select 'Empty Web Site' template and give your website name in below text box. After that click on 'OK'. Now your website is created.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Selenium is an excellent tool for automate series of use actions. It is also very useful for  testing.
Selenium is a very useful tool for web application testing. We can integrate selenium tool in our ASP.Net website and do automation as well as testing.

Here we are providing series of learning selenium tool.

Download selenium is the first stage to learn selenium.

STEP 1 : Go to selenium HQ URL, URL is 'http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/'.

STEP 2 : After that, scroll down page and find the 'Download' link in order to download zip file. You can see the Programming Language wise download link. Click on download link of C# row. You can see this in below image. After that, you can see download dialog box and save that in you local folder.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

It is very easy to remove string's leading and trailing white spaces using Regex.

 The Regex is "^\s+|\s+$".

Here is example of this.

In this example we are taking on string which has leading and trailing white spaces. We can remove this spaces using Regex.

C#. Net Example :
string strData = "            This string contains leading and trailing white spaces             ";
strData = Regex.Replace(strData, @"^\s+|\s+$", "");

VB.Net Examples :
Dim strData As String = "            This string contains leading and trailing white spaces             "
strData = Regex.Replace(strData, "^\s+|\s+$", "")

Click here for other post regarding Remove only leading white spaces from string using Regex with C#.Net and VB.Net example

Click here for other post regarding Remove only trailing white spaces from string using Regex with C#.Net and VB.Net example

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

It is very easy to remove string's trailing white space.

We can achieve using Regex. The Regex is "[ \t]+$".

Here is example of this.

In this example we are taking on string which has trailing white space. We can remove this spaces using Regex.

C#. Net Example :
string strData = "This string contains trailing white spaces             ";
strData = Regex.Replace(strData, "[ \t]+$", "");

VB.Net Examples :
Dim strData As String = "This string contains trailing white spaces             "
strData = Regex.Replace(strData, "[ \t]+$", "")

Click here for other post regarding Remove only leading white spaces from string using Regex with C#.Net and VB.Net example

Click here for other post regarding Remove leading and trailing white spaces from string using Regex with C#.Net and VB.Net example.  

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

It is very easy to remove string's leading white space.

We can achieve using Regex. The Regex is "^[ \t]+".

Here is example of this.
In this example we are taking on string which has leading white space. We can remove this spaces using Regex.

C#. Net Example :
string strData = "   This string contains leading white spaces";
strData=Regex.Replace(strData, "^[ \t]+", "");

VB.Net Examples :
Dim strData As String = "   This string contains leading white spaces"
strData = Regex.Replace(strData, "^[ \t]+", "")

Click here for other post regarding Remove only trailing white spaces from string using Regex with C#.Net and VB.Net example

Click here for other post regarding Remove leading and trailing white spaces from string using Regex with C#.Net and VB.Net example.  

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Click Here to Download CustomRazorHelperClass.zip

It is very easy to write custom razor helper class. After creating custom razor helper class, we can use these classes anywhere in MVC Application.

Here is step by step explanation of creation of razor helper class.

STEP 1 :
First create MVC web application if you do not have MVC Web Application

STEP 2 :
Now Add new "App_Code" folder. In this folder add MVC Razor View page (MVC 4 View Page (Razor)).

To do this, you need to do right click on 'App_Code' folder and click on "Add New Item" menu. It will display dialog box to add new item. After that add 'MVC 4 View Page (Razor)' Page. Give it named like 'CustomRazorHelper.cshtml'.

Now we add one method name 'ToTitleCase', this method makes first character upper case of given statement and make rest of the characters lower case.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Click Here to Download PlayVideoInMVC.zip

It is very easy to play or display video in ASP.NET MVC using HTML5. We can do this using custom action filter in MVC. We can play various files like MP4, Ogg, WebM, etc. format.

Here are step by step tutorial to play video in ASP.NET MVC using HTML5.

Here is example for this.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

You can fill DataTable from another DataTable using LINQ after doing LINQ operation.

This would be useful in condition like you need to perform some operation on DataTable using LINQ and get back result into another 'DataTable'. Means, you can filter and projection on one DataTable and get result in another DataTable.

We can achieve this by using 'CopyToDataTable' method of LINQ query result variable.

Here is example for this.
In this example we are taking one DataTable which contains product information like ID, name, etc. Now we get only those products which ID is greater than one by LINQ operation on this table and get result in another table using 'CopyToDataTable' method of LINQ query result variable.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

You can create XML file from another file with selected elements from source XML file using LINQ. In this, we query the source XML file using LINQ and write or create new XML file.

Here is example for this. 
In this example we take one "Book.xml" file. In this file we have element like Title, Pages, ISBN and Auther. Now we are querying the "Book.xml" file to get only Title and ISBN of book and create another XML with data that contains only Title and ISBN element.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

You can fill List of object from DataTable using LINQ. There are many situations where you need to get data from DB into data table and after that from data table to proper class object. We can do this easily with LINQ.

Here is example for this.
In this example we take one DataTable object which contains two columns 'product_id' and 'product_name'. This DataTable has many rows. Now we want to convert DataTable object into list of class object. We have one Class 'clsProduct' which has two property 'product_id' and 'product_name'. Now we transform DataTable object data in to list of clsProduct class object using LINQ.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Click Here to Download ImplementIValidateObjectInterfaceInMVC.zip Example.

We can validate model itself by implementing IValidatableObject Interface. For validation you need to implement 'Validate' method of IValidatableObject Interface.

Here is some difference from the attribute validation version.
  • In this for validation method is 'Validate' instead of 'IsValid' and also return type and parameter is different.
  • The return type for Validate is an IEnumerable<ValidationResult>, because the logic inside this method is validating the entire model and might need to return more than a single validation error.
  • No parameter is passed to Validate because you  can directly access model properties because this Validate method is inside model.

Here is example for this.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

You can attach events like 'onChanging' and 'onChanged' events on XML document object. These events raise when you 'ADD' or 'REMOVE' XML element from XML Document object.

First 'onChanging' event raise after that 'onChanged' event raise. In this event we get 'XObjectChangeEventArgs' class object. This object give us property like 'ObjectChange'. In this property we can know that which method is performed.

When we call 'Add' method we get 'Add' value in 'ObjectChange' property and when we call 'Remove' method we get 'Remove' value in 'ObjectChange' property.

Here is example on this.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Click Here to Download CustomAnnotationInMVC.zip Example.

You can write your own custom annotations in MVC 4.
Here we can do custom validation using custom annotations. Custom annotations validation derive from the ValidationAttribute base class. This base class available in 'System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations' namespace. ValidationAttribute class is abstract class.

For custom validation you need to write your own class and inherit ValidationAttribute class. After that, you need to override IsValid Method. IsValid Method has two parameters 'Value' and 'ValidationContext'.

  • Value : Which contains your data, which is going to validate.
  • ValidationContext : This parameter is very important. This content information like model object instance, model type friendly display name and other information
In this method you write your own logic for validate data and return result. If value is validate at that time you need to return this 'ValidationResult.Success' else you return result like 'return new ValidationResult(your custom error message)'