Thursday, 28 August 2014

Element Locator Add-on is available in FireFox Browser as Add-on or extension. You can install it in FireFox browser.

Element Locator Add-on is very useful to find or locate appropriate web element or control like, text box, button, image, input box, etc. in browser. It will return location string of that particular control. This string is helpful in selenium automation process.

When you right click on particular control or element in Firefox browser, it will populate context menu with very useful XPATH for 'WebDriver' which is very useful in 'findElement' method of selenium 'WebDirver' API.

Here are steps to download and install 'WebDriver' element locator.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

It is very easy to configure selenium tool for website or project.

We can configure selenium tool and it's DLL into Visual Studio by creating new 'website' or 'project' or in Existing 'website' or 'project'.

In previous article you can see the article of how to download selenium webdriver tool.

Here are some steps to configure selenium webdriver tool :

STEP 1 : Open Visual Studio like VS2010, VS2012 or VS2013
STEP 2 : Go to File menu and click on 'New Web Stite' Menu, Now it will open dialog box in that dialog box select 'Empty Web Site' template and give your website name in below text box. After that click on 'OK'. Now your website is created.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Selenium is an excellent tool for automate series of use actions. It is also very useful for  testing.
Selenium is a very useful tool for web application testing. We can integrate selenium tool in our ASP.Net website and do automation as well as testing.

Here we are providing series of learning selenium tool.

Download selenium is the first stage to learn selenium.

STEP 1 : Go to selenium HQ URL, URL is ''.

STEP 2 : After that, scroll down page and find the 'Download' link in order to download zip file. You can see the Programming Language wise download link. Click on download link of C# row. You can see this in below image. After that, you can see download dialog box and save that in you local folder.